17 de septiembre de 2010

The Insubordinates-s/t (2010)

01 - Nagasaki
02 - Disillusioned
03 - Hipster county
04 - My side
05 - The outer limits
06 - River city RNR
07 - Pier pressure
08 - So tragic
09 - Cuckoo cass e
10 - Rockin rochester USA

Pues nada el otro dia me llego a casita este Lp y lo dejo para que podais disfrutar del mejor surf-punk en estado puro, guitarras surferas con una buena dosis de punk rollete Agent Orange o Night Birds.
Southern California beach punk influence as shown on the single and demo, the band has also taken more additional cues from the surf rock genre, KBD punk, the Nuggets sound and rock and roll in general. Its hard to describe it really and this record really does stand on it's own. The look of this cover is something out of the 60's, right down to the liner notes on the back cover.
Posted By: Bifu

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